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Phosphatic and Potassic (P&K) Policy

Concession scheme/nutrient based subsidy policy for decontrolled Phosphatic & Potassic fertilizers

Government of India decontrolled Phosphatic and Potassic (P&K) fertilizers with effect from 25th August 1992 on the recommendations of Joint Parliamentary Committee. Consequent upon the decontrol, the prices of the Phosphatic & Potassic fertilizers registered a sharp increase in the market, which exercised an adverse impact on the demand and consumption of the same. It led to an imbalance in the usage of the nutrients of N, P & K (Nitrogen, Phosphate and Potash) and the productivity of the soil. Keeping in view the adverse impact of the decontrol of the P&K fertilizers, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation introduced Concession Scheme for decontrolled Phosphatic & Potassic (P&K) fertilizers on ad-hoc basis w.e.f. 1.10.1992, which has been allowed to continue by the Government of India upto 31.3.2010 with changed parameters from time to time. Then the Government introduced Nutrient Based Subsidy Policy w.e.f. 1.4.2010 (w.e.f. 1.5.2010 for SSP) in continuation of the erstwhile Concession Scheme for decontrolled P & K fertilizers.

The basic purpose of the Concession Scheme and Nutrient Based Subsidy Policy has been to provide fertilizers to the farmers at the subsidized prices. Initially, the ad-hoc Concession Scheme was introduced for subsidy on DAP, MOP, NPK Complex fertilizers. This scheme was also extended to SSP from 1993-94. Concession was disbursed to the manufacturers/importers by the State Governments during 1992-93 and 1993-94 based on the grants provided by Department of Agriculture & Cooperation. Subsequently, DAC started releasing payment of concession to the fertilizer companies based on the certificate of sales issued by the State Governments on 100% basis.

The Government introduced the system of releasing 80% 'On Account' payment of concession in 1997-98 to the fertilizer companies month-wise, which was finally settled based on the certificate of sales issued by the State Government. During 1997-98, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation also started indicating an all India uniform Maximum Retail Price (MRP) for DAP/NPK/MOP. The responsibility of indicating MRP in respect of SSP rested with the State Governments. The Special Freight Subsidy Reimbursement Scheme was also introduced in 1997 for supply of fertilizers in the difficult areas of J&K and North-eastern States, which continued upto 31.3.2008. Based on the cost price study of DAP and MOP conducted by Bureau of Industrial Costs & Prices (BICP - now called Tariff Commission), Department of Agriculture & Cooperation started announcing rates of concession based on the cost plus approach on quarterly basis w.e.f. 1.4.1999. The total delivered cost of fertilizers being invariably higher than the MRP indicated by the Government, the difference in the delivered price of fertilizers at the farm gate and the MRP was compensated by the Government as subsidy to the manufacturers/importers for selling the fertilizers at the MRP indicated by the Government.

The administration of the scheme was transferred from Department of Agriculture & Cooperation to Department of Fertilizers w.e.f. 1.10.2000. The Government introduced a new methodology for working out subsidy to complex fertilizers w.e.f. 1.4.2002 based on the recommendations of the Tariff Commission. The complex manufacturers were divided into groups based on feedstock for sourcing Nitrogen, such as gas, naphtha, imported ammonia. With the passage of time, the structure of DAP industry also changed as some of the new DAP manufacturing plants were established using the Rock Phosphate for manufacturing indigenous Phosphoric acid/DAP. Accordingly, the Tariff Commission made a fresh Cost Price Study and submitted its report in February 2003. Payment of concession to the DAP manufacturing units from 2003-04 to 2007-08 was made as per two groups depending upon the source of the raw materials (Rock Phosphate/ Phosphoric acid). Based on the decisions of the Government in 2004-05, Department of Fertilizers framed a proposal suggesting methodology to link phosphoric acid price with international DAP price. Subsequently, the matter was referred to the Expert Group. The Expert Group under Prof. Abhijit Sen, submitted its report in October 2005.

The recommendations of the Expert Group were considered by an Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG). Tariff Commission conducted fresh cost price study of DAP/MOP and NPK complexes and submitted its report in December 2007. Based on the examination of the Tariff Commission Report and the long-term approach suggested by the Expert Group under the Chairmanship of Prof. Abhijit Sen, the Government approved the Concession Scheme with effect from 1.4.2008 for DAP/MOP/NPK Complexes/ MAP, which continued upto 31.3.2010 with certain modifications. The final rates of concession were worked out on monthly basis. Concession for indigenous DAP was the same as that of imported DAP (on the basis of import parity price). Concession on complex fertilizers was based on the methodology recommended by Tariff Commission with certain modifications.

The NPK complex industry was divided into 4 groups, depending upon the source of Nitrogen, gas, naphtha, imported Urea-ammonia mixture and imported Ammonia. A separate cost of 'S' for Sulphur containing complex fertilizers was recognized w.e.f. 1.4.2008. The input/fertilizer prices for Concession Scheme was derived on the basis of an outlier methodology. The Buffer Stocking Scheme was allowed to continue with 3.5 Lakh MTs for DAP and 1 Lakh MTs for MOP as buffer. Modifications in certain elements of the Concession Scheme were also carried out with effect from 1.4.2009 to adjust parameters of concession scheme to International pricing dynamics and rationalize 'N' pricing group-wise as well as payment system. Certain changes were effected in the existing policy for P &K Fertilizers. Accordingly, w.e.f. 1.4.2009 final rates of concession were worked out on monthly basis, taking into account the average international price of the month preceding the last month or the actual weighted average C&F landed price at the Indian ports for the current month, whichever lower with respect to DAP and MOP. In case of raw materials/ inputs for complex fertilizers, there was a lag of one month. From 1.12.2008, payment of concession has been made to the manufacturers/importers of the Decontrolled fertilizers (except SSP) on the basis of arrival/ receipt of fertilizers and certificate of receipt by the State Government/statutory auditor of the company subject to final settlement on the basis of sale of the quantity.

The MRPs of the P&K fertilizers, which has been indicated by the Government/State Government, has been constant since 2002 till 31.3.2010. The MRPs of the NPK complexes were reduced w.e.f. 18.6.2008. In order to enhance the basket of fertilizers in the Concession Scheme, Mono- Ammonium Phosphate (MAP) was included into the Concession Scheme w.e.f. 1.4.2007, Triple Super Phosphate (TSP) was inducted into the Concession Scheme w.e.f. 1.4.2008 and Ammonium Sulphate (AS) manufactured by M/s FACT and M/s GSFC was inducted w.e.f. 1.7.2008.

(A) Nutrient Based Subsidy Policy for decontrolled Phosphatic & Potassic fertilizers

In the implementation of Concession Scheme, it has been experienced that no investment has taken place in last decade. The subsidy outgo increased exponentially by 530% during 2004 to 2009 with about 90% of the increase due to rise in the international prices of fertilizers and inputs. Agricultural productivity did not register increase in commensurate with the increase in the subsidy bill. The MRP of the fertilizers remained constant from 2002 onwards. A Group of Ministers (GoM) constituted to look into all aspects of the fertilizer regime, recommended that Nutrient Based Subsidy (NBS) may be introduced based on the contents of the nutrients in the subsidized fertilizers. The Hon'ble Finance Minister in its Budget Speech 2009 announced for introduction of Nutrient Based Subsidy Policy for Phosphatic & Potassic fertilizers with the objective of ensuring Nation's food security, improving agricultural productivity and ensuring the balanced application of fertilizers. The Government introduced the Nutrient Based Subsidy (NBS) Policy w.e.f. 1.4.2010 in continuation of the erstwhile Concession Scheme for decontrolled P & K fertilizers (w.e.f. 1.5.2010 for SSP). The details of Nutrient Based Subsidy Policy are as under:

•    NBS is applicable for Di Ammonium Phosphate (DAP, 18-46-0), Muriate of Potash (MOP), Mono Ammonium Phosphate (MAP, 11-52-0), Triple Super Phosphate (TSP, 0-46-0), Single Super Phosphate (SSP, 0-16-0-11), Ammonium Sulphate (AS - (Caprolactam grade by GSFC and FACT) and 21 grades of complex fertilizers which. Primary nutrients, namely Nitrogen 'N', Phosphate 'P' and Potash 'K' and nutrient Sulphur 'S' contained in the fertilizers mentioned above are eligible for NBS.

•    Any variant of the subsidized P&K fertilizers covered under NBS Policy and are fortified/coated with Boron and Zinc, as provided for under FCO, will continue to be eligible for subsidy. Such fortified/coated grades of fertilizers will attract an additional per tonne subsidy to encourage their application along with primary nutrients. Additional subsidy rates are Rs. 300 per MT and Rs. 500 per MT for Boron and Zinc respectively.

•    An Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) has been constituted with Secretary (Fertilizers) as Chairperson and Joint Secretary level representatives of Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare (DAC&FW), Department of Expenditure (DOE), NITI Aayog and Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE). This Committee recommends per nutrient subsidy for 'N', 'P', 'K' and 'S' before the start of the financial year for decision by the Government (Department of Fertilizers). The IMC also recommends a per tonne additional subsidy on fortified subsidized fertilizers carrying secondary (other than 'S') and micro-nutrients. The Committee considers and recommends inclusion of new fertilizers under the subsidy regime based on application of manufacturers/ importers and its need appraisal by the Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR), for decision by the Government.

  • NBS to be paid annually/bi-annually on each nutrient namely, 'N', 'P', 'K' and 'S' has been decided/announced by the Government for 2024-25.
  • Distribution and movement of fertilizers along with import of finished fertilizers, fertilizer inputs and production by indigenous units continues to be monitored through the on-line web based "Integrated Fertilizer Monitoring System (iFMS)" (erstwhile FMS and mFMS).
  • The fertilizer companies are required to print Maximum Retail Price (MRP) along with applicable subsidy on the fertilizer bags clearly. Any sale above the printed MRP will be punishable under the EC Act.
  • In addition to NBS, freight for the movement and distribution of the decontrolled fertilizers by rail and road is being provided to enable wider availability of fertilizers in the country as per guidelines dated 23.7.2012 (Annexure – ‘A’).
  • In order to examine the reasonableness of MRPs of P&K fertilizers, the companies shall continue to submit the certified cost data as per the requirement and directions of DOF from time to time. The companies shall also report MRPs of P&K fertilizers regularly to DOF.
  • Manufacturers of customized fertilizers and mixture fertilizers are eligible to source subsidized fertilizers from the manufacturers/ importers after their receipt in the districts as inputs for manufacturing customized fertilizers and mixture fertilizers for agricultural purpose. There is no separate subsidy on sale of customized fertilizers and mixture fertilizers.
  • The payment of subsidy to the manufacturers/importers of P&K fertilizers shall be released as per the procedure and terms and conditions mentioned in the Department Notification No. D(FA)/CCEA/2011 dated 25.10.2020 and D(FA)/2016/DBT dated 17.3.2017, as amended from time to time.  


(B) Nutrient Based Subsidy Per Kilo Gram of Nutrients

Based on the recommendations of the Inter Ministerial Committee constituted under the Nutrient Based Subsidy Policy, the Government has allowed the per Kg NBS for 'N', 'P', 'K' & 'S' (Nitrogen, Phosphate, Potash and Sulphur) and the amount of subsidy per MT on the Phosphatic & Potassic fertilizers for 2014-15 to 2024-25 is as under:

(a) Per Kg NBS rates for nutrients N, P, K, and S for the 2014-15 to 2024-25:

NBS Rate for last ten years (2014-15 to 2024-25)










2022 (kharif)

2022 (Rabi) 01.1022 to 31.12.22

2022 (rabi) 01.01.23 to 31.03.23

2023 (Kharif)

2023-24 (Rabi)

2024-25 Kharif



‘N’ (Nitrogen)
















‘P’ (Phosphate)
















‘K’ (Potash)
















‘S’ (Sulphur)
















*Including Rs. 300/- per MT for secondary freight from rake point to retail points.

** Excluding the secondary freight of Rs. 300/- PMT, which were being paid separately on per ton per Km basis.

(b) Per MT subsidy on different P&K fertilizers during 2014-15 to 2024-25:

SNo. Fertilizer Grades(FG) (N P K S nutrient) 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022
(rabi) 01.01.23 to 31.03.23
DAP (18-46-0-0) 12350 12350 8945 8937 10402 10402 10231 33000 50013 48433 40841 32641 22541 21676 21911
MAP (11-52-0-0) 12009 12009 8629 8327 9991 9991 9809 25635 47940 45588 36889 29748 15999 20108 20748
TSP (0-46-0-0) 8592 8592 6091 5519 6999 6999 6848 20849 33460 30789 22972 18872 9578 13212 14168
MOP (0-0-60-0) 9300 9300 9282 7437 6674 6674 6070 6070 15186 14188 15420 9547 1427 1427 1427
SSP (0-16-0-11) 3173 3173 2343 2166 2734 2826 2643 7513 7513 7513 7513 6872 3540 4804 5121
16-20-0-13 7294 7294 5451 5729 6421 6530 6292 12379 30164 29866 26240 20808 11933 13514 13272
20-20-0-13 8129 8129 6085 6488 7177 7286 7044 15131 33842 33787 30211 23868 13814 15395 14993
20-20-0-0 7911 7911 5819 6197 6823 6823 6735 12822 32940 32991 29842 23504 13568 15148 14764
28-28-0-0 11075 11075 8147 8676 9553 9553 9430 17951 46116 46188 41779 32906 18995 21208 20670
10-26-26-0 10974 10974 9050 8241 8739 8739 8380 18293 34689 33353 29593 22453 10734 12788 12928
12-32-16-0 10962 10962 8615 8101 8917 8917 8637 20377 38362 36965 32005 24854 12686 15214 15399
14-28-14-0 10323 10323 8093 7753 8464 8464 8215 16737 36785 35775 31479 24424 12746 14958 14980
14-35-14-0 11630 11630 9020 8593 9529 9529 9258 19910 41877 40460 34975 27296 14203 16969 17136
15-15-15-0 8258 8258 6685 6507 6786 6786 6569 11134 28502 28290 26237 20015 10533 11718 11430
17-17-17-0 9359 9359 7576 7375 7691 7691 7445 12619 32302 32063 29735 22683 11937 13281 12954
19-19-19-0 10460 10460 8467 8242 8596 8596 8321 14103 36102 35835 33233 25352 13342 14843 14478
Ammonium Sulphate  (20.6-0-0-23) 4686 4686 3736 4408 4501 4694 4398 4398 20448 21503 31004 16325 10074 10075 9224
16-16-16-0(w.e.f. 1.7.2010) 8809 8809 7130 6941 7239 7239 7007 11876 30402 30177 27986 21349 11235 12499 12192
15-15-15-9  (w.e.f. 1.10.2010) 8409 8409 6869 6709 7031 7107 6783 11348 29126 28841 26492 20267 10703 11889 11588
24-24-0-0(from 1.10.10  to 29.5.12 and w.e.f. 22.6.2012) 9493 9493 6983 7437 8188 8188 8082 15387 39528 39590 35810 28205 16282 18178 17717
24-24-0-8 (wef 12.11.13 to 14.2.15) without subsidy on S 9493 9493 6983 7437 8188 8188 8002 15387 39528 39590 35810 28429 16433 18178 17717
14-28-0-0 (w.e.f. 1.4.2020) NA NA NA NA NA NA 6799 15321 33242 32464 27881 22197 12413 14625 14647
8-21-21 (w.e.f. 20.05.2021) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13145 27947 26864 23826 18077 8634 10293 10409
9-24-24 (w.e.f. 20.05.2021) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14996 31808 30561 27088 20550 9800 11696 11835
PDM (0-0-14.5-0) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1467 1467 1467 1467 2307 345 345 345
11-30-14 (w.e.f. 01.04.2024) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14122 14305
Urea-SSP complex (5-15-0-10) (w.e.f. 01.04.2024) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6849 6947
SSP 16-0-11 (fortified with Mg, Zn & B) (w.e.f. 01.04.2024) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4804 5121