Introduction to Movement Division
Fertilizer Movement Division is entrusted with ensuring adequate and timely availability of fertilizers to the farmers in all parts of the country on the basis of requirement furnished by Department of Agriculture & Farmer’s Welfare (in consultation with respective state Governments). The Division prepares agreed supply plan in consultation with Manufacturers/Importers to fulfil the monthly requirement in the country. The movement of all major subsidized fertilizers is monitored through an online web-based monitoring system i.e. integrated Fertilizers Monitoring System (iFMS) & e-Urvarak Dashboard.
Information about Movement Division
The Department of Fertilizers has been entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring movement, distribution and allocation of subsidized chemical fertilizers, from various fertilizer plants and ports in accordance with the State-wise, season-wise & month-wise requirement assessed by the Department of Agriculture & Farmer’s Welfare (DA&FW). The distribution of imported urea is made keeping in view the requirements of each of the States/UTs.
- The assessment of the requirement of chemical fertilizers i.e. Urea, DAP, MOP & NPK for each season is finalized by Department of Agriculture & Farmer’s Welfare (DA&FW) in consultation with state Governments.
- For this, biannual Zonal Conferences are held before start of each cropping season i.e. Kharif (April to September) and Rabi (October to March).
- To fulfill the monthly requirement as projected by DA&FW, Movement Division prepares agreed supply plan in consultation with Manufacturers / Importers.
- Department of Fertilizers (DoF) has developed an IT enabled system viz., Integrated Fertilizer Management System (iFMS), which captures end to end details of Fertilizer in terms of Production, Movement, Availability, Requirement, Sales etc. Concerned stakeholders like DoF, State Agriculture Departments, District Collectors, Fertilizer Companies are all provided with separate user IDs and passwords for operating and monitoring purposes.
- Weekly Video conference is conducted jointly by DA&FW and DoF with State Agriculture Officials, and thereafter corrective actions are taken to dispatch fertilizer as indicated by the State Governments.
- DoF ensures availability of fertilizers at State level. State Governments are responsible for equitable distribution as per District/ Block level requirement.
- The gap in the requirement and indigenous production of Fertilizers is met through imports.
- Import of urea for direct agriculture use is made on Government Account through STEs viz. IPL, NFL & RCF to bridge the gap between indigenous availability and assessed demand.
- P&K Fertilizer (DAP, MOP and NPK) are under Open General License (OGL) as per Foreign Trade Policy.