Progressive use of official language Hindi
The Official Language Section of the Department of Fertilizers works under the able guidance of the Joint Secretary (Official Language). As per the instructions issued from time to time by the Department of Official Language, Ministry of Home Affairs, Department of Fertilizers is making constant endeavour for implementing the Official Language Policy of the Union. The work pertaining to the progressive use of Hindi in the Department, its attached office FICC and 07 PSUs is under the administrative control of Joint Secretary (OL). For his/her assistance, posts of two Deputy Directors (OL), two Assistant Directors (OL), three Senior Translation Officers & one Junior Translation officer are created. Department of Fertilizers continued its efforts towards greater use of Hindi in official work during 2023-2024 keeping in view the Annual Programme issued by the Department of Official Language, Ministry of Home Affairs for implementation of the Official language policy of the Union.
All the 270 Computers (PCs) in the Department are equipped with unicode bilingual facility. Efforts are being made to promote use of Hindi in correspondence. Besides, a number of effective measures have been taken for the promotion of progressive use of Hindi in the Department, its attached office of FICC and PSUs under its administrative control. Details of these measures are summarized below:-
(i) Implementation of Section 3(3) of the Official Language Act.
In pursuance of the official language policy of the Govt. of India, all documents covered under section 3(3) of the Official Language Act, 1963 are being issued both in Hindi and English simultaneously. In order to ensure correspondence in Hindi to Central Government offices located in Region ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’, action plan based on the checkpoints identified in the Department has been prepared to ensure compliance of the official language policy. Efforts to increase the original correspondence in Hindi with the state governments are also being made.
(ii) Hindi Training & Preparation of Roster of Working Knowledge/Proficiency in Hindi
The Department prepares a time bound programme to impart in-service training to all its officers/employees who do not possess working knowledge of Hindi/Proficiency in Hindi/Hindi Typing and recommending them to be nominated for Hindi Training.
(iii) Reports relating to Official Language, Hindi
The quarterly/Annual Reports are prepared and sent to the Department of Official Language. These reports received from the PSUs/office under the administrative control of the Department and they are reviewed through out the year.
(iv) Annual Programme
Annual Programme issued by Department of Official Language for the year 2024-25 was received and circulated on 19 March, 2024 to the sections and PSUs/offices under the administrative control of the Department.
(v) Official Language Implementation Committee (OLIC)
An Official Language Implementation Committee (OLIC) has been constituted under the chairmanship of Joint Secretary (OL) in the Department. This committee regularly reviews the progress made in the use of Hindi in the Department and its attached office FICC and 07 PSUs on quarterly basis. It gives appropriate suggestions and recommends measures to be taken for the effective implementation of the official language policy. On 25 September, 2024, the meeting of the OLIC, chaired by the Joint Secretary (OL), was conducted in the Department in which Quarterly Reports regarding progressive use of Hindi were reviewed.
(vi) Hindi Salahkar Samiti
With a view to render advice for effective implementation of the official language policy of the Government, the Hindi Salahkar Samiti (Hindi Advisory Committee) of the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, which is the joint committee of the Department of Petrochemicals, Department of Pharmaceuticals and the Department of Fertilizers, was reconstituted vide DoF Resolution No.11014/2/2019-Rajbhasha dated 11.10.2021. The meeting of this committee under the chairmanship of Hon’ble Minister (C&F) was held on 30 May, 2023 at India Habitat Centre in New Delhi. The process of reconstitution of this Committee has been started by the Official Language Section.
(vii) Incentive Scheme for original noting/drafting work in Hindi
The incentive scheme for noting/drafting in Hindi introduced by the Department of Official Language is continued in this department. This scheme carries two first prizes of 5000/- each, three second prizes of 3000/- each and five third prizes of 2000/- each. Total 6 (six) Prizes given during the year 2023-24 incentive scheme. All the participant were awarded during the prize distribution ceremony of hindi pakhwara.
(viii) Hindi Day/Hindi Fortnight
In order to encourage the use of Hindi in official work among officers/employees of the Department, the Hindi Diwas 2024 message of Hon’ble Home Minister was circulated among the officers/employees of the Department through E-office. Also, it was shared on social media handles like X, Facebook and Twitter of the Department. Officers of the Official Language Section alongwith Joint Secretary (OL) also participated in the Hindi Diwas Samaroh 2024 organised by the Department of Official Language at the Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi during 14-15 September, 2024.
Hindi fortnight was organized in the Department from 01 September to 15th September, 2024. Seven competitions such as Hindi Essay writing, Hindi typing, Extempore speech in Hindi, noting and drafting in Hindi (separately for Hindi and non-Hindi speaking employees), General Knowledge and Rajbhasha Prashnottari in Hindi were organized. Officers/employees took part very enthusiastically in these competitions and Prize money of Hindi competitions for the First, Second, Third & Consolation prizes was Rs.5000, Rs.4000, Rs.3000 and Rs.2000. Prize distribution ceremony in was organised conference hall under the Chairmanship of the Joint Secretary (Rajbhasha) on 23.10.2024 and total 33 prizes were given.
(ix) Hindi Workshops
Hindi workshops are organized from time to time in the Department to encourage the officials to do their more and more work in Hindi and to overcome the hesitation of working in Hindi. Recently, on 10 September, 2024, a Hindi workshop on the subject “हिंदी की तिमाही प्रगति रिपोर्ट सही प्रकार से भरना” was organized.
(x) Inspections regarding progressive use of Hindi
In order to oversee the official language implementation, inspection of all the Sections of the Department was done from during the month of April, 2024. Also, Inspection of 2 PSUs namely National Fertilizers Limited (NFL) and Projects and Development India Limited (PDIL); and 1 attached office FICC was done by the officers of the OL Section.
(xi) Inspection of Fertilizer PSUs by the Parliamentary Committee on Official Language
The Official Language Section assists the PSUs whenever the Parliamentary Committee on Official Language visits the PSUs for their inspection regarding implementation of Official Language Policy in their respective offices. It helps them in filling data in the questionnaire correctly and issues instructions to them to make arrangements for the inspection according to protocol. During the year 2023-24, 17 inspections of the PSUs were done by the committee. JS (OL) with other officers from the Official Language Division participated in these inspection meetings. Recently, regional office, Baraily of national fertilizer Ltd. was inspected by the committee on 21.11.2024 in New Delhi and Joint Secretary (Rajbhasha) and Deputy Director (Rajbhasha) were present during the inspection.