SSP (0-16-0-11) is an important indigenously manufactured fertilizer for providing Phosphorus and Sulphur nutrients. The fertilizer both powdered and granulated is notified under the Nutrient based Subsidy policy since 2010 .Under NBS, the subsidy is announced for each nutrient on per kg basis which is converted into subsidy per ton depending on nutrient content and in case of SSP based on P and S nutrient as per FCO. Since Kharif 2022 SSP has been included under the freight subsidy regime. Department of Fertilizers rationalized and issued consolidated guidelines pertaing to SSP industry in September, 2022 to ensure its quality for the benefit to the farming community.
2. SSP Cell in DoF deals with the implementation of guidelines to ensure the quality raw materials and manufacturing process of SSP is maintained as per as per standard specifications for the benefit of the farming community . The details in brief are as follows:
- Induction of new SSP Units under Nutrient Based Subsidy (NBS) scheme and their removal.
- Conducting of Technical Audit Inspection to access the production capability of the Units and other parameters for production as per FCO standard. SSP fertilizer & Guidelines issued by DoF from time to time.
- Sampling of Rock Phosphate under Random Sample Survey.
- Permission to various SSP Units for:
- Production of fortified SSP.
- Enhancement of their production capacity.
- Transferring of Rock from one SSP Unit to other on loan basis
- Marketing arrangement subject to the supply plan of the state(s).